Here are some lovely photos of christina coop's (of ferm living) apartment. It's amazing how fresh looking black and white can be. Images from apartment therapy.
How cool is this black and white mobile from fawn and forest? I think I might try to make something similar. It's perfect for new babies that can only see strong contrast colors.
Lately I have been loving word art. I am a huge sucker for trends. Here is an etsy seller that has created some unique things.
Also, I am going to buy this print (I know, so unoriginal) in yellow for the living area. Here it is in black from this shop. Everyone is selling these posters on etsy right now.
Here are some examples of what a splash of black and white fabric can do to a room. I love the black and white zebra headboards with the vintage cowboy toile curtains.
I think this palette might be navy, not black. Hard to tell. I love how this chair adds interest to the relaxing white room.
I love chair silhouettes (hence the poorly done blog banner). These tea towels are fabulous, and the bottle of San Pellegrino on top makes me want to buy them even more. Found at Rocket St. George. They also have a pillow in the same pattern. These pillows are very nice as well. I love word art. They also come in red (and would make for great holiday decor). I also have my eye on these jars.Pillows and jars also from Rocket St. George.
I've been on the fence about wall decals for a while now. I've decided that as long as they are tasteful and done in moderation, they are ok. I love love love this French company, especially the children's line. The decals come in black and white (as well as any other color of your choosing).